In this Article

Our Elevator Pitch
1. We are six diehard music lovers located in the USA, Canada, Germany, and Italy. Most of us have technical experience and/or fancy degrees. All of us have strong opinions, the validity of which is up to the reader to decide.
2. While we often get free (usually unsolicited and sometimes unwanted) samples of gear to review, we never accept paid collaborations or compensation for our reviews–this is strictly an unpaid labor of love. We take pride in avoiding ads, affiliate links, or other commercial blight. We return gear upon request.
3. Our opinions are unvarnished and sincere and we never accept editorial input from manufacturers. We really do strive to stay informed on industry trends and to maintain transparency and credibility with our readers.
4. After outgrowing Head-Fi, we have reviewed gear for this blog since early 2019, for example about 500 earphones.
5. Our main viewership is from the USA, followed by the UK, Germany, and Canada.
6. Our Wall of Excellence showcases benchmark products selected by more than one person.
We have cooperated with the following companies in 2024:
Aoshida Audio, Angel Hifi, AudioQuest, Audirect, Baseus, Burson Audio, Campfire Audio, Creative, ddHiFi, FiFine, FiiO, Focal/Naim Canada, Fosi Audio, ifi Audio, Hidizs, Hifiman, Jackrabbit Media, Knowledge Zenith, Linsoul, Maono, Meze Audio, Moondrop, NF Acous, Oladance, OneOdio, OCY, Questyle, Rose Technics, Sennheiser, Simgot, TinHifi, SoundMAGIC, SHENZHENAUDIO, Sigva, TOZO, TRN.
We are currently cooperating with the following companies in 2025: AudioQuest, Burson Audio, ddHiFi, EBL, FiiO, Focal/Naim Canada, ifi Audio, Jackrabbit Media, Linsoul, SHENZHENAUDIO, Simgot, Soundpeats, We Are Rewind,
- We try limiting our turnaround time to 30-40 days.
- The editor (JK) does not influence the writers or the content of their reviews.
- Expect fairness but no sugar-coating in reviews: an item “is what it is” in the eye of the reviewer. It is understood that we are “honest”.
- We are not perfect but always learning. Mistakes can therefore not be excluded.
- Industry standard: we try to strictly adhere to the industry standard and not to accept expensive review items without an addressed envelope, postage paid [“try” means there are exceptions as some companies have restocking issues or are located in countries to which returns are difficult]. You will get your equipment back after the review in a reasonable time if you so wish. You also carry customs fees and import taxes. Nevertheless, we are not hoarding and try to give stuff to charities or pass them around between us for multiple reviews.
- Avoiding conflict of interest I: we do not participate in affiliate programs for our personal benefit as it constitutes an incentive for favourable reviews – and makes us sales people on a commission. We may participate in affiliate programs for items we have not reviewed and bought ourselves (this has not happened so far). As of 2021-03-12 we are participating in Apos Audio’s affiliate program, and since 2021-05-11 in Helm Audio’s, for the sole purpose of supporting Chicago musicians. 100% of the money raised goes to CIVL.
- Avoiding conflict of interest II: we don’t feature paid advertisements of cooperating companies and reviewed products.
- Privacy: we honour your privacy and don’t pass your contact information on to third parties. We don’t use cookies and don’t set company trackers.
Shipping to Canada
- Canada only allows tax-free imports of up to $20 CAD (which is less than $15 USD) from countries other than the US.
- $40 CAD import value from US is tax-free.
- REGULAR MAIL is the best way to ship to Canada.
- CAREFUL WITH COURIERS: when shipping items declared above the tax-free limit by you, unreasonably high brokerage fees of >$20 are added to the Canadian import charges by DHL/UPS/FEDEX.
- Therefore, when shipping DHL/UPS/FEDEX, please pay all import charges and brokerage fees up front…it is a business expense for you.
- Regular postal service is therefore preferred. Canada Post does not charge (substantial) brokerage fees. A package from Asia takes 10-14 days.
Edited 2025-01-08