
ddHiFi DJ65 Series Headphone Adapters Review: DJ65A(AL), DJ65B(AL), DJ65M – Made For A Lifetime

The DJ65A(AL), DJ65B(AL), and DJ65M headphone adapters were provided by the company for my review, and I thank them for that. You can get them from DD Official Store.

ddHifi DJ65B(AL)
ddHifi DJ65B(AL) in action.

I love adapters and have purchased many on cheap platforms…most of which were a waste of my money. I now don’t want to connect cheap, low quality USB plugs or adapters to my MacBook, simply because they could damage its USB ports. ddHiFi came to my rescue with their high-quality alternative in their TC01 series. Good and reliable but pricey. These belong to the digital realm. Let’s have a look at analog adapters.

When recently reviewing a headphone with a cable terminating on a 3.5 mm plug, the company included a 3.5 mm female to 6.3 mm male plug for use with headphone amps. Sadly, this generic adapter did not work properly, I either head a crackling sound or had music only in one channel. Not good!

Audio adapters are different from the aforementioned digital adapters in that they carry (analog) sound. They can therefore alter sound: never to the better, always to the worse. Co-blogger Alberto frequently complained about this – and settled for ddHiFi ones as they turned out not to alter the sound: there was no discolouration.

The ddHiFi DJ65 series was designed to connect 3.5 mm and 4.4 mm headphone plugs to 6.3 mm sockets (DJ65A and DJ65B, respectively), and 6.3 mm plugs to 3.5 mm sockets (DJ65M). Another DJ65M (4.4) connects 6.3mm headphone jacks to 4.4 mm balanced sockets (I forgot to request this one, but it is less important for every-day usage).

Confusing? It surely is. Let’s try this in a table.

In (female) [mm]
Out (male) [mm]
Shell MaterialAl alloyAl alloyAl alloy
Plug Materialpure Cu plated with 24 K Aupure Cu plated with 24 K Auhigh-quality OCC copper
Weight [g]8.61422
Product PageddHiFiddHiFiddHiFi
Tested at$27.99 ($34.99)$39.99$29.99
Purchasing LinkDD Official StoreDD Official StoreDD Official Store

The DJ65A(AL) and DJ65B(AL) both feature a gold front plate on an Al-alloy housing with a plug of high-purity copper, the surface being galvanized with 24 K Au. High-purity Cu is used for the internal soldering wire.

The DJ65M utilizes a shielded CNC-machined Al-alloy unibody, the plug is also coated with 24 K Au, and the interior is wired with high-purity OCC copper.

All three adapters connect snugly and there is zero sound discolouration. They work reliably and appear to be durable.

ddhifi DJ65A(AL) 65B(AL) 65M
Inputs (from left): 3.5 mm, 4.4 mm, 6.3 mm.
ddhifi DJ65A(AL) 65B(AL) 65M
Outputs (from left): 6,3mm, 6.3 mm, 3.5 mm.
ddhifi DJ65A(AL) 65B(AL) 65M
Comparison with a generic 6.3 mm adapter.

Summing up, these adapters are not cheap but good. And you have them much longer than the electronics they will be connected to. Of the three, I use the DJ65B(AL) most, in fact all the time as I equipped some headphones with balanced cables, but my Burson Funk only offers a single ended circuit.

I like these so much that I purchased their TC01B / TC01BF USB-B to USB-C adapters during the Chinese New Year’s celebrations. Hope they will arrive soon.

Until next time…keep on listening!

Jurgen Kraus

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  • Jürgen Kraus

    Head-Fier since 2016. He has been known as “Otto Motor” to Head-Fiers, as “Dr. Schweinsgruber” to users and Youtubers, and as “Brause” to Super Best Audio Friends and the Headphone Community. - For the purpose of confusion, he decided to pose under his real name Jürgen Kraus (“JK”) from now on. - This is a hobby. In “real” life, Jürgen is a professional geologist operating his own petroleum-exploration consulting company Franconia Geoscience Ltd. based in Calgary, Canada. He holds German and Canadian passports. Jürgen had a classical music education from childhood through high school in Germany and he has been following popular music developments since the late 1970s. His understanding of arts and crafts was influenced by Bauhaus pragmatism: “less is more” and “form follows function”.

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Jürgen Kraus (Calgary, Canada)

Head-Fier since 2016. He has been known as “Otto Motor” to Head-Fiers, as “Dr. Schweinsgruber” to users and Youtubers, and as “Brause” to Super Best Audio Friends and the Headphone Community. - For the purpose of confusion, he decided to pose under his real name Jürgen Kraus (“JK”) from now on. - This is a hobby. In “real” life, Jürgen is a professional geologist operating his own petroleum-exploration consulting company Franconia Geoscience Ltd. based in Calgary, Canada. He holds German and Canadian passports. Jürgen had a classical music education from childhood through high school in Germany and he has been following popular music developments since the late 1970s. His understanding of arts and crafts was influenced by Bauhaus pragmatism: “less is more” and “form follows function”.

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