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First Impression: KBEAR Diamond vs. Moondrop Kanas Pro Edition (KPE)

Full review of the KBEAR Diamond by Loomis Johnson Here!

First thing you will notice is Diamond’s lush and meaty mids. KPE does mids texture better but on certain tracks it can sound anemic and dry. Clarity, detail and resolution-wise, both earphones are identical with no harshness or spikes in the upper-mids and treble. Diamond’s bass has more authority and body (as if you have added a subwoofer). You will gain low-end rumble but it never overpowers the rest of the frequency spectrum.

Diamond does have some mid-bass bleed but it doesn’t cloud the music. In fact, this makes bass guitar sound fuller and more engaging. Diamond throws a bigger, wider, taller, more intimate soundstage, with KPE’s stage is a bit more laid-back. More intimate here doesn’t mean “breathing-into-your-face”. To put this into simpler context, it is as if you have upgraded your concert sitting from a $80 to $100 ticket. The stage is still in front, just more up-close with your favorite band or singer. KPE does something very well, and that is to put the listener at ease.

Because everything sounds so distinct and clean. Diamond on the other hand, brings the listener into the music, together with the artists. This earphone wants you to be part of the performance, not sitting among the audiences. So, which earphone do I prefer? BOTH… If I want to unwind and be taken away by the music, I will listen to KPE. But if I am in a groovy mood and want some fun in my music enjoyment, I will grab the Diamond.

More on the Diamonds, including three full reviews, on this site soon.

KBEAR Diamond

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KopiOkaya (Singapore)

A Head-Fier since 2008, KopiOkaya is a name that often prompts the question: "Who are you?" His typical response: "Just a nobody." Yet this "nobody" has a history with audio stretching back to the mid-1970s, when his father brought home a Sansui-Luxman-Coral system. He was instantly captivated, and his passion began. Formerly a news journalist, he is now a freelance writer and occasional multimedia producer, seeking to shift his focus to his true love: hi-fi audio. Over the years, Kopi amassed considerable high-end equipment and accessories, until 2009, when he discovered Chi-Fi (Chinese HiFi). This was a revelation; the sound he'd been searching for, despite having spent thousands on established, highly-rated brands. He sold almost everything (keeping a few choice cables) and significantly scaled back his setup. So, who is KopiOkaya? In Singapore, where he is based, "kopi O" is strong black coffee, and "kaya" is a sweet coconut-based spread often served with toast for breakfast across Southeast Asia, which is no surprise, his favourite meal to start the day.

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