We Are Now On YouTube
Yes, I was convinced to go back to the future into my old YouTube days (formerly as Dr. Schweinsgruber). From now on, we will present many of our reviews not only per blog posts and Facebook discussion group, but also per video.
But if you expect fancy production with perfect lighting and wonderful soundtracks, you will be disppointed. I am a scientist and will analyse an given product for its quality, usability, and technical, sonic, and practical capabilities.
audioreviews YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWSxkiPzwt3BVGJyzArjF4A
I tend to say: YouTube videos are by people who cannot write for people who cannot read. Well, we do these things synchronously, I will write more concisely than ever…and I will compensate for my poor cinematography with our “audio porn”, our pages of pure technical photography, which you can use in visual support of any video.
So, all you need to to is subscribe to our YouTube channel, and you will get the latest videos delivered right into your device. Well, kind off.
Hope to see you soon.
Keep on listening!